HPXML Validator API

Your API Key

An API key is used to permit access to the API. It is tied to your user account. There is currently no charge to have access to the API. It is for record keeping and to prevent abuse. Your API key represents your credentials. Please keep it secure.

You will need to create an account or login to receive your API key.

Accessing the API

The API is accessed by sending a POST request with your HPXML file as the payload to:


An example of doing this with the command-line tool curl is as follows:

curl -X POST -d @audit.xml http://hpxml.nrel.gov/api/<API_KEY>/

Parsing the Results

The results of the validation are returned formatted as JSON.

    "HPXMLSchema": {
        "valid": true,
        "schema_version": "2.2.0"
    "IraModeledRecommended": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",
    "IraModeledRequired": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",
    "IraMeasuredRequired": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",
    "HomeEnergyScoreUseCase": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",
    "AuditUseCase": {
        "valid": true
    "UpgradeUseCase": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",
    "BPI2101UseCase": {
        "valid": false,
        "errors": [
            "error messages",